Trouble setting up remote desktop Trouble setting up remote...

Topic: Trouble setting up remote desktop

Post Trouble setting up remote desktop
by Dave Hecht on Thursday, November 3, 2016

I would like to use your service to access my home computer from work. I found a great video on youtube to follow in setting my account up, but since it was posted your website has been redesigned and the video no longer matches what's on the video. Is there either a new video you can point me to, or is there a help line I can call?

Thank you!

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Post Re: Trouble setting up
by xiaoye on Friday, November 4, 2016

Dave Hecht wrote:I would like to use your service to access my home computer from work. I found a great video on youtube to follow in setting my account up, but since it was posted your website has been redesigned and the video no longer matches what's on the video. Is there either a new video you can point me to, or is there a help line I can call?

Thank you!
You may refer to this tutorial.

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Monday, March 10, 2025 10:40 PM