Secure & Instant Update
The IP Update Client runs in the background and checks for IP changes every minute to keep your hostnames mapped to the most current IP address at all times.
Name: Dynu IP Update Client (IUC)
Version: 5.4
Operating System: Windows
Last Updated: 2/28/2020
By: Dynu Systems
MD5 : 447f2da1b73f336db17f18a438f8cbcc
Packed with Features
The IP Update Client is designed to make it easier for you to install and use. It performs its functions by bringing you the utmost convenience.

Secure IP update
Our advanced IUC sends your IP update in a secure manner to safely update the hostnames in your account.
IP check every minute
The IP check interval is under your complete control and can be set as low as 60 seconds.
Easy to use interface
The client has a simple yet powerful interface to allow quick configuration and management.
Bypass ISP proxy
The client can dynamically adjust communication paths to bypass proxy servers and detect your real IP address.
Windows service integration
Run the client as Windows service. The hostname will be updated even if you are not logged into the running PC.
IPv6 support
This IP update client supports both IPv4 and IPv6 updates. You can enable/disable IPv6 update based on IPv6 connectivity through your ISP.
Support for groups
You can use multiple instances of the IP update client to update a set of hostnames each by setting up groups in the control panel.