duplicate spam duplicate spam

Topic: duplicate spam

Post duplicate spam
by jguarini on mardi 7 mars 2017


Anyone notice duplicate spam? Basically I'm getting the same spam message from mx1 and mx2. I't been a while since I've seen this much and just wanted to check to see if others notice this as well.


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Post Re: duplicate spam
by timothytw on mercredi 8 mars 2017

You can turn on 'Anti-Spam' for your email service if you have spam related issues.

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Post Re: duplicate spam
by jguarini on jeudi 9 mars 2017

@timothty, sure and I will at some point. I was really trying to find out if the new spam thing is to blast each mx listed for a domain. It's been a while since I've this much spam and moving to this service recently happened at the same time.


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mardi 11 mars 2025 21:19