What to do when your ISP won’t give you a static IP? What to do when your ISP ...

What to do when your ISP won’t give you a static IP?


A static or fixed IP address is a fixed numeric label assigned to a device on a network and remains the same every time a user or device connects to the network, whereas a dynamic IP is pulled from a pool of available addresses and may change each time the router reboots. The need for having a stable connection might push you to purchase a static IP. However, the cost of a static IP is not cheap and hosting on a static IP may not be all that glamorous.

What is a static IP address?

A static IP address is an address that doesn’t change. Once your device is assigned a static IP address, that number typically stays the same. Individuals do not typically need a static IP address, but businesses need them to host their own servers. Server administrators may also use whitelisted static IP addresses to manage sensitive servers that do not allow access from other IP addresses.

Pros and cons of a static IP

Static IPs have its obvious benefits:
  • Better DNS support
  • Convinient remote access
  • Easier server hosting
  • Reliable geo-location services
However, a static IP is not made for all situations:
  • Static IPs are more hackable than dynamic IPs
  • Static IPs are expensive (one-time installation fee of over $100 plus $10-$20 monthly charge)
  • Static IPs can easily leak your location information
Dynamic DNS Service Not all ISPs offer static IPs or they cost too much, so you may have a public IP address that is reachable, but changes often. The workaround is dynamic DNS service that continuously updates a static domain to the most current IP address via software on the router or a PC within the network.

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