Any way to detect automatically my router IP address when it changes Any way to detect automat...

Argomento: Any way to detect automatically my router IP address when it changes

Post any way to detect automaticaly my router ip when it changes
di VASUDEVA HEBRI su lunedì 15 maggio 2017

please help me to configure automatically update the ip address.

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Post Re: any way to detect automaticaly my router ip when it changes
di timothytw su martedì 16 maggio 2017

You can download and run one of our IP update clients at

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Post Re: Any way to detect automatically my router IP address when it changes
di IAmATeaf su venerdì 5 gennaio 2024

Or if you have SSL access to your router you can set up a cron job to run on a timed basis to keep the ip address updated. I run the following script

curl -k --silent ""

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venerdì 14 marzo 2025 07:02