subdomain ddns from existing domain name subdomain ddns from exist...

Argomento: subdomain ddns from existing domain name

Post subdomain ddns from existing domain name
di dcoughler su sabato 6 febbraio 2021

If I set up a subdomain on a domain I manage from a different registrar, how do I set it up in the DDNS control panel? Do I include the full subdomain identifier in the domain name field? Would I redirect my subdomain to the subdomain on your server? Do I need to be a member? Can it even be done?

So to maybe simplify it, how do I setup to route through the DYNU DDNS service?

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Post Re: subdomain ddns from existing domain name
di BertM su venerdì 26 febbraio 2021

dcoughler wrote:If I set up a subdomain on a domain I manage from a different registrar, how do I set it up in the DDNS control panel? Do I include the full subdomain identifier in the domain name field? Would I redirect my subdomain to the subdomain on your server? Do I need to be a member? Can it even be done?

So to maybe simplify it, how do I setup to route through the DYNU DDNS service?
I assume you have some server at home that responds to

What you need to do is the following:
Register your home connection with dynu, and give it a name, for example
Then, in the DNS for, you need to make a CNAME record that points towards

This will make any request for land on your home IP address.
All you need at home is something that responds to requests for


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martedì 11 marzo 2025 12:30