Comodo is one of the leading certificate authorities, issuing SSL certificates to hundreds of thousands of online businesses and other websites. A Comodo SSL Certificate is the quickest and most cost effective way to protect online transactions. The affordable Comodo certificates come with a great value-added package that are perfect for small to medium size business. Your website will enjoy the highest level of security and you will gain customer trust and turn them into paying customer by choosing Comodo.
Positive SSL
Affordable SSL for blogs, startups and small websites
Secures single domain
Domain validation
No paperwork
128/256-bit encryption
$10,000 warranty
Issued in minutes
Positive SSL Wildcard
Best value solution for *.yourdomain.com
Secures multiple subdomains
Domain validation
No paperwork
128/256-bit encryption
$10,000 warranty
Issued in minutes
Instant SSL
Business-level certificate with Trust logo
Secures single domain
Organization validation
Paperwork involved
Unlimited physical servers
$50,000 warranty
Issued in 2-3 business days
Premium SSL Wildcard
Full business-validated certificate for large transactions
Secures multiple sub domains
Organization validation
Paperwork involved
128/256-bit encryption
$250,000 warranty
Issued in 2-3 business days
Extended Validation SSL
Full business-validation with green browser address bar
Secures single domain
Extended validation
Paperwork involved
Trust logo
$1,750,000 warranty
Issued in 10 business days