What do the  transfer statuses mean?  What do the transfer sta...

After you place a domain transfer order, you may see different statuses in Transfer status in the control panel. Here is a description of what each of the statuses means.

Domain Transfer Status
The transfer process is awaiting the domain authorization code.

The domain WHOIS could not determined and is awaiting an account manager's assistance. This usually means that the administrative contact email for your domain name could not be determined so the approval email could not be sent out. Please disable WHOIS privacy to ensure that the administrative contact email address can be verified.

The transfer is awaiting release by the current registrar. The process is complete from our side and the domain must be released by the losing registrar. The losing registrar has five days once the domain is pending to respond, so this process may take up to 5 days. A domain name cannot be modified in this status. This includes name server or domain name status modifications, sync operations, and explicit renewals.

The domain transfer has completed.

The domain transfer has failed at the registry.

The domain transfer has been canceled.